When you visit, leave a shout out! You can comment on topics and pictures

There are 2 ways you can become an author and post your new topics and pictures:

1) Email me your Gmail email and I will add you on as an author. You will be able to post any time.
2) Email your pictures or topic as if you were righting the post and I will transfer it to the site. You can send these emails to

Friday, March 27, 2009

Welcome to the world Tristen Aaron Richard

Name ~ Tristen Aaron Richard
Birth ~ March 16, 2009 11:40a.m.
Weight ~ 7 pounds 7 ounces
Height ~ 20 inches
Parents: ~ Kevin and Andrea

Friday, February 6, 2009

Kevin and Andrea's Baby Shower

Congratulations to Andrea and Kevin. We can not wait to see the new addition!

click here for more pictures

All I have to say is that was a competitive day. Folks were on a mission to win the games. I am not saying any names, but someone went home with over 4 prizes. Good times.

Leave a comment and let us know what your favorite game was?

Inaguration Picutres -- From Roz

Here are some pictures from Roz from the Inauguration Ball.

Recipe Request

There has been a request for Big Mama's fried Pie recipe. Does anyone have it?

Thursday, January 15, 2009



Share Your Inauguration Experience

For those of you going to the inauguration, be sure to take plenty of pictures for those of us who were not able to make it to Washington DC

Ron Husband Art Store

Visit cousin Ron's online artstore at ronhusband.com

His work is really nice!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Memories of Big Mamma

My special memory of Big Mamma was her quiet,thoughtful ways.Her absence these past two years have left a void in my life,but when I think about her,she's always in my heart,I may not be able to see her(only in my mind's eye)I may not be able to hear her speak to me but I know she is there. She taught me so much,not just by words but by her actions.She taught me to treat others as you would like to be treated,she taught me humility without ever saying a word.I learned to love to cook because of her,I saw the joy she had feeding her family,friends and sometimes strangers.I learned the gift of giving from her,she always gave.Vegetables from her garden,fried pies,cookies,granola,rolls to someone she knew loved them,or was sick,or going on a trip.You seldom left her house empty handed.(when I was little I remember those huge banana squash!)
She taught me to love to travel and see how other people lived.I loved to listen to her talk about her travels,Years ago,I visited Oklahoma with her and saw where she was born and where she grew up.She told me she never imagined leaving Oklahoma and travelling to all the places she did.It goes to show you what can happen when you don't limit yourself.
It was always a pleasure to just sit and listen and watch her in all that she did.
Big Mama was a class act and there will never be another like her,we can only strive to become a small part of the wonderful person she was.
I always signed her cards by telling her,"you put the "GRAND" IN GRANDMOTHER"and she did,what a grand lady she was.

Shout out!

Our Nephew, Akiyl Walker will be marching in Harding University High School Band in the 56th Inaugural Parade on 1/20/09. He plays the Tuba so keep an eye out!!!

Briana Rogers

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Memory of Big Mama

A special memory that I have of Big Mama is seeing her fry fish every year at the beach with her straw hat on. She always looked so cute!

Big Mama

Hello again,

I just sent a message, but I thought of something else...this is deserving of its own separate post.

If I am not mistaken Big Mama would have been 101 this month...or is it 100? Wow, can you believe that???

We are entering our second year without her in our lives and she is missed dearly each and everyday.

I was thinking our fam could start a Big Mama Rememberance Month. For the whole month of January, family members can post comments or stories about their favorite time or memory of Big Mama. Actually, it can be a year long thing, its up to you. Reminiscing on good memories will keep her close to our hearts....let me know what you think!

Greetings to my Family

Hello Everyone,

Since I have had my pc, I have primarily only used it for school and downloading music. I email more frequently than before and occasionally get the urge to "surf" the net. I am on a short break from school and decided to use this time to "break my technological shell"! Ok, so I am trying this blogging thing out...I'm a newbie so please bear with with me. I promised my mom I would post a message to the fam to let you know that I am still breathing.

I was not able to spend as much time as I would have liked to while most of you were here for the holidays. For the past year my social life has been pretty much non-existent. I am currently studying to obtain a Masters degree in Human Resources Management. As of today, I have 4 more classes, of which I begin the next on January 27th. This program has been a lot harder than I expected, but I have learned a lot and am grateful for the opportunity. My parents, grandmother and Alfred have been major support systems for me lately because I have really been struggling. Staying up sometimes until 3 or 4 in the morning, if I'm fortunate. Sometimes I'm going to work with no sleep at all. But at the end of the day, I wouldn't change it for the world. This program has really helped my excel mentally at work; I just have to pray that it will pay off.

The only thing that I would change is the time I have missed with my family. I want you all to know that I love you very much. Without you, I wouldn't be here today writing this message. Each of you are special to me in your own unique ways. I am especially grateful to Yomi for initiating this blog as an attempt to keep our family connected. Crazy how technology seems to act as a common thread through all of our lives! It is my goal for 2009 (resolutions are so overrated...!) to improve communication with my loved ones my any means necessary.

Well ya'll, I may have blogged enough for my first try, but this is actually kinda fun. So, I am going to sign out for now and will blog again in a few days with anything I may want to share. Again, I love you all and hope to hear or see you soon!
